IT Solutions Ireland - Directory - Servaplex

What Is Active Directory?

Active Directory (AD) is a database and set of services that connect users with the network resources they need to get their work done.
The directory contains critical information about your environment, including what users and computers there are and who’s allowed to do what. For example, the database might list 100 user accounts with details like each person’s job title, phone number and password. It will also record their permissions.

The services control much of the activity that goes on in your IT environment. They make sure each person is who they claim to be (authentication), usually by checking the user ID and password they enter and allow them to access only the data they’re allowed to use (authorization).

Our complete suite of products helps you to control your entire networks, assign users and security measures. Choose the perfect product for your needs from our portfolio.

Active Directory Products

ADAudit Plus - IT Solutions Ireland - Servaplex

ADAudit Plus transforms raw and noisy event log data into real-time reports and alerts, enabling you to get granular visibility into Windows server activities with just a few clicks.

Monitors your Active Directory (AD), Azure AD, Windows file servers, member servers, and workstations, and help you adhere to regulations such as HIPAA, GDPR, SOX, CCPA, GLBA, and more

What does ADAudit Plus do?

  • The inner workings of a Windows network are buried in event logs and using native tools to analyse this data demands expertise and time.
  • ADAudit Plus simplifies this analysis by providing instant ready-to-consume information on activities across Active Directory (AD), Azure AD, Windows servers, and workstations.
ADAudit Plus - Directory - Servaplex Ireland

Available In 2 Editions


All features of free edition +
Reports and alerts on event log data collected from these licensed components:
Domain Controllers
Azure AD Tenants
Windows servers
Windows file servers
NAS devices


Includes everything in Standard +
File Server Management
Active Directory OU Management
Reports Scheduling
Contact Management
OU-Based Administration
Workflow | Automation
GPO Management

ADManager - IT Management - Servaplex

ADManager Plus is a simple, easy-to-use Windows Active Directory Management and Reporting Solution that helps AD Administrators and Help Desk Technicians with their day-to-day activities.

With a centralized and Intuitive web-based UI, the software handles a variety of complex tasks like Bulk Management of User accounts and other AD objects, Delegate Role based access to Help Desk Technicians, and generates an exhaustive list of AD Reports, some of which are an essential requirement to satisfy Compliance Audits.

Key Features

  • Create bulk user accounts in the Active Directory with the flexibility to import properties from a csv file.
  • Modify the existing user account properties including Exchange Mailbox and Terminal Services properties.

  • Generate and view granular reports of users, computers, groups like Inactive Users, Disabled Users, Users in Nested Groups, Distribution Groups, Security Groups, Inactive Computers, etc.

  • Create and delegate security roles for granting/revoking permissions to security principals.

  • Search ACEs and Active Directory objects.

ADManager Plus Active Directory reports offer administrators all the essential information that they would need about their Active Directory (AD) infrastructure and objects. This web-based Active Directory reporting tool’s reports library contains over 200 out-of-the-box reports. These reports fetch vital data such as users’ real last logon times, inactive AD users, group members including nested group members, NTFS permissions, recently created, modified, or deleted user accounts, distribution lists, security groups and their members, and GPOs.

Unlike the conventional Microsoft tools, and PowerShell, ADManager Plus enables users with limited scripting knowledge and even the non-IT users to generate Active Directory reports on users, distribution lists, security groups, computers, and contacts. This purely GUI based AD reporting software also helps you generate reports on Exchange Server mailboxes, Office 365, Exchange online, Google Workspace, Skype for Business/Lync/LCS, and more from just a single console.

ADManager Plus - Active Directory Solutions Ireland

Available In 3 Editions


For 100 Domain Objects
200+ Active Directory Reports
Active Directory User Management
Active Directory Computer Management


200+ Active Directory Reports
Active Directory User Management
Active Directory Computer Management
Multiple-Domain Management
Help Desk Delegation
Office 365 Management & Reporting
Exchange Server Management & Reporting


Includes everything in Standard +
File Server Management
Active Directory OU Management
Reports Scheduling
Contact Management
OU-Based Administration
Workflow | Automation
GPO Management

AD360 - Active Directory IT Solutions Ireland - Servaplex

AD360 is an integrated solution for Identity and Access Management (IAM) needs in Windows environment.

This web-based software portfolio unifies all the functionalities needed for an enterprise: from user provisioning, self-service to risk governance and offers it with a simple, easy to use interface. AD360 is the right solution for bridging the gap between technology and the complex business needs.

AD360 automates all the routine Identity and Access Management tasks like provisioning/de-provisioning bulk user accounts and other AD objects, secure management of account passwords, modifying multiple attributes of user accounts, managing user mailboxes and their email traffic.


  • Streamline IAM operations: Most of the crucial AD tasks are repetitive and automating them can save huge efforts. Automating tasks such as user account provisioning / de-provisioning with a workflow can ensure that crucial data does not land into wrong hands.
  • Ensure IT compliance and Security: Auditing crucial changes made to AD objects can help in determining if the changes made are in conformance with the IT law. AD360 fetches all the required audit data from the Exchange servers, File servers and Active Directory and helps in meeting the IT regulatory compliance such as HIPAA or SOX (Sarbanes Oxley).
  • Automate AD operations: Automate AD tasks like creating users, deleting inactive users and enabling/disabling users. Schedule the ‘Automation policy’ to automate any task and perform any follow- up task. Defining User modification templates can make bulk user operation amazingly quick.
  • Control workflow automation: A customizable review-approve framework will help in keeping control over automation for crucial tasks.
  • Ensure a secure self-service: Ensuring self-service for password reset and account unlock in the Winlogon (CTRL+Alt+DEL) screen can dramatically reduce the help desk tickets and keep the productivity of the employees up.
  • Monitor the Exchange Traffic: Monitor complete Exchange traffic data like OWA usage, email traffic, mailbox size and permissions and export reports to any of the formats like xls, csv, html and pdf.
AD360 - Multi Management - Servaplex

AD360 provides all these functionalities for Windows Active Directory, Exchange Servers, and Office 365, You can just choose the modules you need and start addressing IAM challenges across on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments from within a single console.

With AD360, you can dramatically improve how IT supports your diverse business needs. Whether it’s on-premises, cloud-based, or a hybrid, by leveraging the capabilities of AD360 you can make your IT environment more secure and easy to manage.

ADSelfServices - Active Directory - Servaplex Ireland

ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus is a secure, web-based, end-user password reset management program. This software helps domain users to perform self-service password reset, self-service account unlocks and employee self-update of personal details (e.g., telephone numbers, etc) in Microsoft Windows Active Directory. Administrators find it easy to automate password resets, account unlocks while managing optimizing the expenses associated with helpdesk calls.

ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus is a secure, web-based, end-user password reset management program.

Integrate ServiceDesk Plus with ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus and allow your Active Directory users (both technicians and requesters) to self-service their Active Directory passwords and accounts easily.

This software helps domain users to perform password self-service, account self-service and self-service of their personal details (e.g., telephone number, e-mail id, etc.,) in Microsoft Windows Active Directory. If you have installed both products, you just have to provide the details of the computer where ADSelfService Plus is installed, along with its Port Number.

ADSelf Services - Servaplex

Available in 3 editions


Password Self-Service Features
Directory Self-Service Features
Cloud Applications SSO & Password Sync


for 500 Domain Users
Web-based Self-Service Password Reset and Account Unlock
Password Expiry Notifier Password Policy Enforcer
Real-time Password Synchronizer
Password Reset Using iOS and Android App as well as Mobile Browser
Self-Service Directory Update, Employee Search, Organization Chart, and Mail Group Subscription


For 500 Domain Users
Includes everything in the Standard edition,
Password Reset from Windows, macOS, Linux login screens
MFA for Windows, macOS, Linux machine logons
MFA for VPN logons
MFA for OWA logons
Cached Credentials Update for Remote Password Reset
Password Policy Enforcement in Windows Change Password Screen and ADUC

Hyena - Active Directory Management IT - Servaplex

Hyena provides extensive Active Directory (AD) reporting, with built-in tools for customizable queries, filtering, management of object properties, advanced attribute management, and many other AD administration features.

Hyena has numerous features that you won’t find in the standard built-in Microsoft administration tools or other solutions


  • Hyena was the first AD management product to support customizable Active Directory queries at every object level.
  • Hyena has numerous features that you won’t find in the standard built-in Microsoft administration tools or other solutions

  • Define your own queries or use any of the predefined queries to display custom ‘views’ of exactly what directory attributes you want to see for organizational units, users, groups, or computers.

  • Due to Hyena’s ease-of-use and rich feature set, AD environments of all sizes can be managed more efficiently and quickly.

  • Hyena’s queries can also contain a customized LDAP filter, if desired, for the ultimate in server-side AD filtering and query performance.

  • Includes multiple ways to mass-update Active Directory information Use the new Active Task feature for mass updating and importing of Active Directory information, or use the Active Editor, an interactive Active Directory editor that lets you freely move around and modify directory information as easily as if it were in a spreadsheet.
  • It is designed to both simplify and centralize nearly all day-to-day management tasks, while providing new capabilities for system administration. This functionality is provided in a single, centralized, easy to use product. Whether your organization is using Windows 2003, Windows 2019 or anything and everything in between, you can manage everything with one tool.

Used by tens of thousands of system administrators worldwide for over twenty (20) years, Hyena is known throughout the industry as one of the top Windows and Active Directory management utilities available…at any price!

netwrix - active directory - Servaplex

Netwrix Auditor is a visibility platform for user behaviour analysis and risk mitigation that enables control over changes, configurations, and access in hybrid IT environments to protect data regardless of its location.

Netwrix Auditor for Active Directory delivers security intelligence about what’s going on in Active Directory and Group Policy. Audit Active Directory changes and logons to mitigate the risk of privilege abuse, prove IT compliance and streamline troubleshooting.

Netwrix Auditor helps us with Active Directory auditing and reporting on attributes that have changed and allows us to quickly respond to the events that have the potential to take us out of compliance.

Complete visibility into what’s going on in your Active Directory and Group Policy.


ADAudit Plus helps me be in command of the technical environment in my Active Directory network. It is easier to find logs and manage [them] more effectively. The [low] cost for the many features got our attention

Diego Pontes

Tecnisa SA

I highly recommend ADAudit Plus. Now, I can easily monitor user logons, file deletions or modifications, [and] changes in AD, and export them as reports. The friendly UI and product support before and after purchase are excellent.”

Huseyin Akbaba

Information technologies, RMK Marine

UserLock offers a level of protection that small, medium and large business should be implementing as part of their security roadmap

Ricky Magalhaes

Information Security Analyst

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