Help Desk software is a tool used to organize, manage and solve various queries or requests raised by customers about day-to-day issues. Whilst using help desk software in schools might not be something you’d think of initially it is becoming more common place and in this post we’ll detail the how and why help desk software can be used in a school setting.

What is Help Desk Software

The application of help desk software has primarily been associated with customer support, IT services and commerce however the idea of using this software in education has been growing. Nowadays students can be seen as customers who have specific needs that need to be sorted out during their study period in an institution.

Use of Help Desk Software in Schools

Some examples of how help desk software is being used in schools are outlined below:

  • Asking a question to a teacher.
  • A portal for registrations.
  • Student management tools for Admin.

Help Desk Software Schools - Servaplex Ireland IT Solutions

What Can a Help Desk Software for Education Do for You?

A software that lets you organize, manage, and respond to any number of requests is very useful in a school environment. Furthermore, it provides you with access to additional tools like analytics to better understand trends and team performance which can in turn help you improve the educational results of your students.

Advantages of Help Desk Software in Schools

1. An Aid for Administration
The role of administrative teams in educational institutions is very crucial. They need to have a birds eye view on various matters ranging from timetables to infrastructures to fees, students, staff details etc etc. At the start of every academic year or tri-mester, administrative teams are piled up with loads of the work. Help desk software for schools can help admin teams handle all the incoming queries by eliminating repetitive work and simplifying tasks and allowing task delegation.

2. Support Portal for Students
Students are now one click away from getting help. With modern technology students are using digital devices more than ever before and so help desk software for schools is something that they can use and adjust to quite easily. A single portal, like an online diary, can help students with all the details and information they need from one location from from timetable to exam results. If the self-service doesn’t offer you enough, we can generate tickets and forms to help you interact with support teams to get your work done in different topic of interest.

3. Bringing Everything Together
The most significant benefit of help desk software is its ability to bring everything under one roof and a single interface. There are multiple departments in an educational institution and with the use of help desk software you can route the tickets to the required department which improves the efficiency of problem solving. This can be done through drop out select in forms during ticket creation.

4. Data-Driven Decisions
Reporting and analytics from the help desk tools play a crucial role in decision-making for any organisation. Educational organizations also need critical insights on the service they had been providing. Reporting can help in providing a better perspective on customer satisfaction from the end user perspective. It also helps you find out the quality of work the support team had been providing. You can review frequently asked questions, average response times, efficiency, resolution rate, etc.

5. User Experience
When you use help desk software for education you’re giving your students access to a portal that is always available. It creates an interactive and inter-supportive environment for all its users improving the work efficiency and learning outcomes. Happier students are better students and help desk software can help give them the support they need, when they need it, improving the overall school experience.

Help Desk Software Students Schools - Servaplex Ireland

Help Desk Software for Schools – Conclusion

An organization needs to serve its customers, or in this case, students. A need for an effective communicative channel between students and administrators can have a positive impact on the student experience. A well-executed customer support system for education can make a huge difference in the institutions image compared to others making the investment in help desk systems for schools even more compelling. If you’ve any questions about help desk systems for schools then make sure to contact us!

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